Section: Research Program


It has been ten years now since Intel bumped on the energy wall. Parallelism is now ubiquitous, not only restricted to expensive servers dedicated to some regular scientific computation. Also, the panel of possible mainstream architectures became extremely diverse. The use of byte-codes (e.g. nVIDIA PTX) along with Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation allowed fast evolution of designs. Quite recently, silicon companies understood that this heterogeneity should be integrated into the same chip (e.g. ARM big.LITTLE, nVIDIA Tegra K1); also re-configurable architectures (from FPGA to CGRA) are becoming present in such design as specialization is clearly useful to increase performance with less increase in energy consumption. Even cache-size, crossbar will be dynamically re-configurable; distributed DVFS being now mainstream... Postponing the decision of where and how (depending on the context) to execute part of an application, involves the use of late/adaptive compilation so as to avoid code size blowing. This observation is amplified by the fact that application behavior gets more and more dominated by data-characteristics. This is precisely what motivated more than fifteen years ago the development of dynamic compiler optimization technology. Many transformations, decisions, code-generation phases done by a compiler are now critically required to be postponed at run-time when the information is becoming available. But, this is not to mention the need of auto-tuning and adaptive compilation that imposes itself to address the increasing complexity (and hard to model) of each individual core.

The research direction of GCG is motivated by the perspective of optimizing (sometimes complex and irregular) micro-kernels for a single core (SIMD/VLIW). It starts from the observation that despite the clear motivation for JIT/dynamic compilation, despite its clear maturity, we lost the battle of performance portability: such technologies are not as optimizing as we pretended it would be. The reason for this defeat is that there is no perfect place to analyze, optimize, transform. On one hand “ JIT-ing” source-level code would usually be too slow, while on the other hand byte-code close to machine-level lost high-level semantics. Apart from spending its time to retrieve somehow obvious information, the JIT-compiler has to deal with limited resources, with realistic time constraints. Thus the need for being hybrid, in other words combine static and dynamic compilation/analysis techniques using rich intermediate languages.

Hybrid compilation consists in combining in any possible ways static analysis with profiling and run-time tests, but also ahead-of-time with run-time code optimization. This leads GCG to put efforts on researches on hybrid compilation frameworks but also on compiler architecture design. This last is to address the difficult problem of information telescoping (maintain of information of different type) and the problem of code size.

Current projects include:

  • characterization of applications (I/O complexity) and profiling feedback using trace analyses;

  • combined scheduling and memory allocation for irregular applications;

  • extension of the polyhedral model using hybrid analysis and compilation;

  • design, promotion and development of an hybrid and extensible byte-code, Tirex;

  • design of a run-time handling communications, scheduling and placement for distributed memory parallel architectures.